Free BigBlueButton Plugins
Try out these plugins to enhance your BigBlueButton online classes experience
MP4 Recordings
bbb-mp4: Convert your BigBlueButton recordings into MP4 videos. This allows your users to play recordings on any device or you to archieve your recordings for future use.
Live Streaming
bbb-streaming: Live stream your BigBlueButton classes on Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo or any RTMP servers to teach thousands of students concurrently.
Dial-in Number
bbb-twilio: Integrate Twilio into BigBlueButton so that your students, with poor internet, can join BigBlueButton classes by a dialing-in phone number.
bbb-optimize: Multiple optimizations to BigBlueButton including better audio, fix 1007/1020 errors, dynamic video profile, pagination and more.
Recording Server


Learn about BigBlueButton
5 Ways BigBlueButton Virtual Classroom Software is Revolutionizing Online Education
Discover how BigBlueButton virtual classroom software is transforming online education. From enhanced collaboration to cost-effective solutions, read about the five ways this software is changing the game.
BigBlueButton vs. Zoom: Which Virtual Classroom Solution is Best for Your Students?
BigBlueButton and Zoom are two popular virtual classroom solutions. But which one is best for your students? Read on to compare pricing, privacy, branding, user analytics, and features to make an informed decision.
How to Use BigBlueButton Breakout Rooms for Collaborative Learning
Want to enhance collaborative learning in your virtual classroom? Read our guide to learn how to use BigBlueButton breakout rooms, including step-by-step instructions, examples, and best practices.
Top Video Conferencing Tools for E-Learning: Compare, Choose, and Transform Your Experience
Discover the top online education video conferencing tools like BigBlueButton, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Learn their features, pricing, and how to choose the perfect platform to enhance your e-learning experience. Unleash the full potential of virtual classrooms today!
Unlock the Secrets to Engaging Your Students in Virtual Classrooms
Discover effective strategies for engaging students in virtual classrooms! Learn how to create immersive and interactive online learning environments for better learning outcomes.
Engaging Virtual Classrooms: How ChatGPT Can Enhance Student Learning
Discover how to enhance student engagement in virtual classrooms with ChatGPT – real-time transcription, personalized learning, attendance tracking, and more.
BigBlueButton Security
BigBlueButton is one of the most popular open-source software solutions for taking online classes and a good alternative to Zoom with respect to privacy. BigBlueButton encrypts all content that is sent between your browser and the website server. BigBlueButton always...
BigBlueButton secure recording
BigBlueButton records all the events of BigBlueButton classes for later playback. In a session with recording enabled, BigBlueButton will save the slideschat and audiodesktop sharing (deskshare)whiteboard eventsshared notes and poll resultscaptionswebcams To secure...
How to Set BigBlueButton Theme
You can change theme color, set wall-paper and show your logo in a BigBlueButton live session. You can also many aspects of live classes including allowing moderator to unmute users or allow users to send private message.
BigBlueButton 2.5: More Stable and Better Performance
BigBlueButton is known for 15-minute straight forward installation. Installation becomes still easier with the upcoming version 2.5 of BigBlueButton. BigBlueButton 2.5 has better packaging and configuration, resulting in much easier installation and very few...
BigBlueButton vs Zoom: 40% lower costs + more features
The primary purpose of Zoom is online meetings, whereas the primary purpose of BigBlueButton is online teaching. Hence BigBlueButton focuses on providing features for student engagement during the class and analytics from the classes to assess and evaluate students....
How to customize BigBlueButton header?
Do you want to customize your BigBlueButton HTML5 client without breaking anything? Do you want to add custom integrations like Google Analytics? Do you want to integrated hotjar? Here is a quick way to add custom javascript code to HTML5 client head. Create a new...
Ask for feedback after a BigBlueButton session
Do you care whether your students liked your online class? Was it useful? Fun? Here is a quick way to ask for users’ feedback at the end of the class. To enable the user feedback and make it available for later reference, execute the following script:...
How to disable audio alerts in BigBlueButton?
If you are a regular BigBlueButton administrator, you have received user complaints about audio alerts. When a user in a session mutes himself, the audio alerts goes: You are muted now. Similarly, when a user unmutes to start speaking, the audio alerts goes: You...
Change text in BigBlueButton Guest Page
You might have noticed that your students see the standard message – BigBlueButton – Guest Lobby – while waiting on the guest page for the online session to start. Do you want to customize it? Read on.
How Mediasoup makes BigBlueButton 2.4 better
Faster webcam and screen sharing with more concurrent users at a lower CPU usage are the key benefits of turning on MediaSoup on BigBlueButton 2.4.
How to update Greenlight landing page
Here is a step-by-step process to customize Greenlight, starting from text and images on the landing page to signup page and adding additional tabs in the user account for new features.
[Solved] Greenlight: Server Error Invalid BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret
There could be many reasons such as expired SSL certificate, incorrect BIGBLUEBUTTON_ENDPOINT, and misconfigured Scalelite. Follow the steps in this post to resolve Server Error Invalid BigBlueButton Endpoint and Secret.
BigBlueButton vs Zoom: 40% lower costs + more features
40% lower costs, learning dashboard, custom domain, engagement tools and data privacy are the keys areas where BigBlueButton outperforms Zoom. In addition, your own domain and branding makes BigBlueButton far better than Zoom!
Is BigBlueButton Free | Costs and hosting options
Is BigBlueButton Free? Understand the true cost of owning and operating the open-source software. This comprehensive guide covers licensing restrictions, self-hosting, managed hosting, and the real price of running a BigBlueButton server including server, bandwidth, and storage costs.
How to check BigBlueButton Learning Dashboard after the session?
In BigBlueButton 2.4, Moderators (teachers) are now able to view student participation and engagement throughout the session. The Learning Dashboard gives moderators a live view (updated every 10 seconds) of user metrics that include When they joined the...
How to customize BigBlueButton recordings?
Do you want to show your logo in the BigBlueButton recording playback instead of the default BigBlueButton logo? Here is a simple way to achieve it. Put your logo on your BigBlueButton server. You can use SFTP to transfer the logo.Go to...
Migrating safely to BigBlueButton 2.4
You must have heard about the latest release of BigBlueButton 2.4. Sharing our process to safely migrate our BBB servers running 2.2.x or 2.3.x to 2.4. 1. Take Backup # Note down your BBB secret so that you can set the same secret after upgrading to the 2.4 version...
Log4j in BigBlueButton
Background Log4J Zero day was announced on Fri, Dec 10, as the highest (10.0 CVSS) critical Log4j vulnerability was discovered. The Log4Shell vulnerability was exploited by attackers worldwide, allowing malicious strings to be logged.Apache Log4j is an open-source...
BigBlueButton: Call timed out error 1006
Problem Recently lots of BigBlueButton administrators have reported Call Timed Out 1006 errors while using BigBlueButton, especially on a Chrome Browser. If you use the latest version of (96.0.4664.93) to join a BigBlueButton session, then while checking the...
Six more Reasons to love BigBlueButton!
Today we ran a trial of BigBlueButton 2.4 [alpha 2] and we would love to share our first impression! While you can read the release note, the following are the top six features that we believe will help you conduct better online classes on BigBlueButton: 1) Real-time...
Securing BigBlueButton: Restricting access to whitelisted IPs
You can configure the Nginx server of BigBlueButton to allow incoming requests from only the white-listed public IPs. Here is how to do it: Create a file allow.nginx in /etc/bigbluebutton/nginx Add to the file white-listed IPs in the following format:allow...
Simpler Menu Labels
You can customize menu labels in BigBlueButton so that it’s more relevant for your users. Learn this tip in 2 minutes.
BBB on AWS? Be aware of costs…
We want to share our recent experience of hosting BigBlueButton on AWS. Well, we were interested in AWS for two reasons: Proximity to users and, hence, lower network latency, and Auto-scaling so that we can turn off the instances when not in use Our client, a school...
BigBlueButton: How to host more concurrent users?
Are you interested in increasing number of concurrent users that you BigBlueButton server can host? Here is a simple fix to improve perofrmance of NodeJS by up to 40%, resulting in increase in the nuber of concurrent users that your server can host. #1...