A Comprehensive Guide on BigBlueButton Server Requirements

Discover the latest BigBlueButton server requirements for optimal performance. Understand how to set up your server from scratch or tailor it for local development.
1 Jul, 2023

Are you seeking to set up your online teaching platform? One of the most popular options available today is BigBlueButton, an open-source virtual classroom software. This post will guide you through the current BigBlueButton server requirements and help you understand how to prepare your server for a smooth installation and operation.

Clean and Dedicated Server: The Foundation

First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand that BigBlueButton should be installed on a ‘clean’ and dedicated server. What does this mean?

  • A ‘clean’ server is one that has no prior software installed, including web servers like Apache or web applications such as Plesk or Webadmin. These could bind to ports 80/443 and potentially conflict with BigBlueButton.
  • A ‘dedicated’ server is one exclusively used for BigBlueButton and perhaps BigBlueButton-related applications like Greenlight.

For optimal performance, we recommend using the Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit server​1​.

BigBlueButton Server Requirements: The Checklist

To ensure a successful setup, your server should meet the following minimum requirements:

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Wrapping It Up

Understanding the BigBlueButton server requirements is the first step towards a successful installation and operation of this robust virtual classroom software. Always remember, a clean and dedicated server forms the foundation, with the right infrastructure components ensuring a smooth experience for all users. Happy teaching!

Start Your Online Classes Today with HigherEdLab.com

Setting up a server and meeting all the BigBlueButton server requirements might seem daunting. But what if you could bypass all that while still reaping the benefits of a dedicated virtual classroom environment?

That’s where HigherEdLab.com comes into play. We offer BigBlueButton hosting with a myriad of benefits that transform your online teaching experience:

  • Start Online Classes on BigBlueButton: No technical setup or server maintenance needed on your end.
  • Crystal-Clear HD Video Learning: Engage your students with high-quality video content.
  • Interactive Tools: Foster active learning with chat, polls, and presentations.
  • ChatGPT-powered quizzes and transcription: Utilize AI to enhance student learning and interaction.
  • Custom Domain, Logo, Colors: Maintain your brand identity across your online learning platform.
  • Advanced User Management, Integration & Analytics: Seamlessly manage your users, integrate with other platforms, and gain insights from comprehensive analytics.

Don’t let the technicalities stand in the way of your online teaching aspirations. Visit HigherEdLab.com today and transform your teaching experience!

Stay tuned to our blog for more updates on how to optimize your online teaching experience with BigBlueButton and other similar platforms.

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