Simpler Menu Labels

You can customize menu labels in BigBlueButton so that it's more relevant for your users. Learn this tip in 2 minutes.
29 Apr, 2021

Recently one of our customers requested us to make the following changes in the top-right menu on BigBlueButton client:

  1. Change “Leave Meeting to “Leave Class”
  2. Change “End Meeting” to “End Class”

This change would make things simpler for teachers.

Here is how you can also do the with your BigBlueButton server:

vi /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/app/locales/en.json and make the following two changes:

Locate “app.navBar.settingsDropdown.leaveSessionLabel and change it’s value from “Leave meeting” to “Leave class”,
Locate “app.navBar.settingsDropdown.endMeetingLabel” and change it’s value from “End meeting” to “End class”
Make the same changes in /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser.legacy/app/locales/en.json for older browsers.

Restart your BBB server: the bbb server bbb-conf –restart

In case you don’t see the changes, clear your browser’s cache.

Hope this helps improve your users’ experience in using BigBlueButton!

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