BigBlueButton Pricing, Features, Reviews, and Alternatives: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators

Discover the ins and outs of BigBlueButton in our comprehensive guide. Compare pricing, features, and alternatives to make the best choice for your virtual classroom needs.
25 Mar, 2023


Video conferencing tools have become indispensable for educational institutions worldwide. With the growing need for remote learning, selecting the right platform is crucial for successful online instruction. That’s where BigBlueButton comes in. As an open-source solution tailored to the educational sector, it offers a host of features that cater specifically to teachers and students.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into BigBlueButton’s pricing, features, reviews, and alternatives to help you determine if it’s the right fit for your institution. By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision and explore the two-week free trial of the BigBlueButton virtual classroom software offered by our startup.

BigBlueButton Pricing

BigBlueButton is unique in the world of video conferencing solutions, as it is an open-source, free-to-use platform. However, there are some costs to consider when implementing this software.

Hosting Options

When using BigBlueButton, you have two primary hosting options:

  1. Self-hosting: Deploying BigBlueButton on your servers allows you to maintain complete control over the software and its updates. However, this option requires technical expertise and can result in higher upfront costs for server hardware, maintenance, and support.
  2. Third-party hosting providers: By choosing a third-party hosting provider, you can leverage their infrastructure and expertise, allowing you to focus on your core educational mission. Third-party hosting services often charge a monthly or annual fee, which varies depending on the provider and the level of service you require.

Potential Costs for Hosting, Maintenance, and Support

While BigBlueButton is free to use, hosting, maintenance, and support costs can add up. These expenses may include:

  • Server hardware and infrastructure
  • Technical support staff
  • Regular software updates
  • Security measures

When comparing BigBlueButton to its competitors, it’s essential to factor in these costs to get a clear understanding of the total expenditure.

BigBlueButton Features

BigBlueButton boasts an impressive array of features designed to facilitate effective online learning. Let’s take a closer look at what this platform has to offer.

User Interface

The BigBlueButton interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy for both teachers and students to navigate. The platform also allows for customization, enabling institutions to align the interface with their branding.

Video and Audio Conferencing

High-quality video and audio conferencing are at the core of BigBlueButton’s functionality. The platform supports multiple users in a virtual classroom, allowing for seamless interaction between teachers and students.

Screen Sharing and Whiteboard

Screen sharing and an interactive whiteboard are essential for effective online instruction. BigBlueButton’s built-in tools enable teachers to share their screens and annotate content in real-time, fostering collaboration and engagement.

Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms are crucial for small-group discussions and collaborative work. BigBlueButton allows instructors to create multiple breakout rooms and assign students to them, promoting active learning and peer interaction.

Session Recording and Playback

Recording and playback functionality make it easy for students to revisit lectures and discussions. BigBlueButton automatically records sessions, which can be accessed and shared through a secure link.

Integrations with Learning Management Systems (LMS)

One of BigBlueButton’s most significant advantages is its seamless integration with popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Moodle, Canvas, and Blackboard. This compatibility simplifies the process of incorporating BigBlueButton into your existing educational infrastructure, streamlining workflows for teachers and students alike.

Security Features

BigBlueButton takes security seriously, offering features like end-to-end encryption, password-protected rooms, and role-based access control to protect sensitive data and maintain privacy.

Mobile App Compatibility

BigBlueButton is compatible with mobile devices, ensuring that students and teachers can access their virtual classrooms from anywhere, anytime.

BigBlueButton Reviews

To get a clearer understanding of BigBlueButton’s performance, let’s examine user satisfaction and expert opinions.

User Satisfaction

Teachers and Educators

BigBlueButton has received praise from teachers and educators for its ease of use, extensive feature set, and seamless LMS integration. The platform’s focus on education-specific features has made it a popular choice among institutions looking for a tailored solution.


Students have also expressed satisfaction with BigBlueButton, highlighting its intuitive interface, high-quality video and audio, and valuable collaboration tools.

Pros and Cons

Advantages of Using BigBlueButton

  • Open-source and free to use
  • Designed specifically for education
  • Comprehensive feature set
  • LMS integration
  • Customizable interface
  • Strong security measures

Limitations and Drawbacks

  • Self-hosting requires technical expertise
  • Potential costs for hosting, maintenance, and support
  • Limited branding options compared to some competitors

Expert Reviews and Opinions

Industry experts have lauded BigBlueButton for its robust feature set, educational focus, and open-source nature. While the platform may not be as polished as some of its competitors, its commitment to providing a free, high-quality solution for educational institutions has earned it a strong reputation in the EdTech community.

Alternatives to BigBlueButton

While BigBlueButton is an excellent solution for many institutions, it’s essential to consider alternatives to ensure you’re making the best choice for your needs. Here are some popular competitors to consider:

Zoom for Education

Zoom is a well-known video conferencing platform that offers a comprehensive suite of features, making it a popular choice for educators. With plans tailored specifically to the education sector, Zoom provides a reliable and user-friendly solution, albeit at a higher cost than BigBlueButton.

Microsoft Teams for Education

As part of the Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration platform with built-in video conferencing. It integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft tools and offers a robust feature set, making it a compelling option for institutions already using Office 365.

Google Meet for Education

Google Meet is another popular alternative that’s part of the Google Workspace for Education suite. It offers a simple interface and robust feature set, with seamless integration into other Google tools like Google Classroom and Drive.

Cisco Webex for Education

Cisco Webex is an enterprise-grade video conferencing solution with a dedicated education offering. While it may be more expensive than some alternatives, it boasts excellent security features and a comprehensive suite of collaboration tools.

Adobe Connect for eLearning

Adobe Connect is a versatile platform designed for virtual classrooms, webinars, and meetings. It offers a highly customizable interface and a wide range of interactive features, making it a popular choice for institutions seeking a flexible solution.


BigBlueButton is an impressive video conferencing solution tailored to the educational sector. With its open-source nature, extensive feature set, and seamless LMS integration, it’s an attractive option for institutions seeking a cost-effective way to enhance their online learning capabilities.

As you weigh your options, consider taking advantage of our startup‘s two-week free trial of BigBlueButton virtual classroom software. This trial will provide you with hands-on experience to help you decide if it’s the right fit for your educational needs.

By comparing BigBlueButton with its alternatives, you can evaluate each platform’s pricing, features, and user satisfaction to make the best decision for your institution. Keep in mind that the perfect solution for one organization may not be the same for another, so it’s essential to consider your unique requirements and preferences.

In conclusion, the world of online education has never been more accessible or feature-rich. By carefully considering your options and leveraging the power of platforms like BigBlueButton, you can empower your institution to deliver high-quality, engaging, and effective remote learning experiences for students and teachers alike.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of BigBlueButton and its competitors, it’s time to take the next step. Sign up for our two-week free trial and discover firsthand how BigBlueButton can transform your virtual classroom experience.

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BigBlueButton WordPress Help

Discover the BigBlueButton WordPress Plugin, a versatile tool for both online classrooms and corporate meetings. Seamlessly integrate with BigBlueButton servers, create unlimited classes, initiate sessions with a click, and enjoy extensive customization. Experience effortless hosting with enhanced security, personalized branding, and no impact on site performance. Elevate your virtual engagement effortlessly.

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