BigBlueButton: Extract IPs and user names

Do you need to find out the real identity of unwanted guests in your live classes? Here is a quick way to find IP and name of users.
3 Nov, 2020

Do you need to know who all are joing your classes – by their IPs?

A typical use case is to find out the real identity of unwanted guests in your live classes.

One way is to find IPs of such unwanted guests and banning them.

Here is a shell command that will quickly do this for you:

Login to your BigBlueButton server and execute the following:

$ cat /var/log/nginx/bigbluebutton.access.log | grep join | grep fullName | awk '{split($7, a, "=");} {split(a[2],b,"&");} {print $1, $4, $5, b[1]}'

Hope this helps!

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